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4 Reasons Senior Housing Is A Hot Investment According To Gene Guarino

4 Reasons Senior Housing Is A Hot Investment According To Gene Guarino

Senior residential living is becoming increasingly common as a substitute for nursing homes. The choice of facility type is frequently made by the seniors’ children rather than the seniors themselves. Many choose assisted living communities because here, the elderly can live in modest homes while getting basic care and support to maintain their quality of life. 

The senior living market has been growing for some time, and over the coming years, this trend will pick up momentum. More appropriate facilities are required by the market today and are in demand. Read on for insights into senior housing investment by Gene Guarino, the founder of the Residential Assisted Living Academy.

What is the Residential Assisted Living Academy? 

The RAL Academy is the top resource for acquiring, running, and investing in senior housing and residential assisted living. Gene has taught thousands of individuals from all over the nation how to convert single-family homes into cash-generating machines. The RAL Academy’s motto is “Do Good and Do Well.” In the past year alone, Gene has spoken in over 50 cities and five countries and hosted three radio shows.

So, why is senior housing a hot investment today? Take a look at these four reasons.

The Sector has Significant Growth Potential

Cohousing or senior living communities have only recently started to appear nationwide. These communities meet the needs of today’s seniors who want to live affordably in a friendly, social setting. Before investors overrun the industry, invest now to maximize profits.

Lower Population Density

Small-home senior living could become more popular in the future, especially for those worried about the spread of contagious illnesses like the flu or the Coronavirus. Small group units in residential housing keep the number of occupants under one roof minimum, requiring fewer carers on site. 

A living or dining room can be used as a gathering place for residents while maintaining social distance and a more limited social bubble. Seniors maintain their quality of life while remaining safe but not alone.

Moving Away from Larger Centers

The primary driving force behind senior residential living is the desire to provide elders with assisted living and cognition care needs in a more amiable setting where residents receive more one-to-one care.

As of now, senior living is mainly focused on large communities where one caretaker may be looking after 15 to 20 residents or more. On the other hand, senior residential living has one carer for every five to eight residents. 


The potential of senior housing increases along with the aging population. It is anticipated that the senior living market will keep expanding. Even better, you can expand your company as demand grows. For example, you can begin with a single residential community and then add branch locations as needed later.

Senior living communities are a worthwhile investment for several reasons. There is risk involved with every investment, of course. Yet even in the aftermath of economic change, senior accommodations have proven to be a reliable investment. It’s wise to work with a seasoned, dependable real estate agent if you’re considering investing in senior housing. It’s possible that your skill set from investing in single- or multi-family homes isn’t entirely transferable. Your chances of success are increased by working with a specialist in the senior housing market.

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