Real State

What is a Land Trust?

BY Admin | April 16, 2023

In the legal sense, a trust is an agreement where a settlor or a grantor transfers ownership of property or an asset to another party for care and holding. The asset being held is the principal, and the person overseeing it is the trustee. A beneficiary is anyone who gains something from the assets that…

Real State

Trust Tax Rates and Exemptions for 2022

BY Admin | April 16, 2023

Trusts are legal entities that allow individuals to manage and distribute assets for the benefit of beneficiaries. Trusts can be subject to federal and state taxes, making it important to understand the rules and regulations surrounding trust taxation. In this post, we will explore the trust tax rates and exemptions for 2022. Trust Tax Rates…

Real State

Stocks vs. Real Estate: Why Not Both?

BY Admin | April 13, 2023

The stock market has traditionally been a favored alternative for investors to put their capital. While purchasing stocks is a conventional form of investing, only some know that doing so also counts as an investment. Real estate has lower risk, higher returns, and greater diversification than stocks, making it a viable alternative in the right…

Real State

The Best Ways To Protect Your Money Legally In A Lawsuit

BY Admin | April 13, 2023

When faced with the threat of a lawsuit, one of the first things on your mind may be how to protect your assets and finances. The idea of losing your hard-earned money can be overwhelming, but fortunately, there are legal ways to hide your money and safeguard it from seizure in a lawsuit.  In this…

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