Real State

4 Reasons to Save for Retirement in a Taxable General Investing Account

BY Admin | July 31, 2023

You might be thinking, why would anyone choose a taxable general investing account for retirement savings, right? Well, we've got some surprises for you! When it comes to building your nest egg, it's not just about 401(k)s and IRAs. A taxable general investing account can provide several advantages that could make it a key component…


What To Know About FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund

BY Admin | July 27, 2023

The FDIC keeps your money safe even if your bank goes out of business. However, it's not necessarily as simple or straightforward as that sounds. If you want to save your money in a bank, it's important to understand FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund and why it's important. Background Information on the FDIC and Its Role…

Tax Planning

Opinion: Think The Rich Don’t Pay Their Fair Share? Think Again

BY Admin | July 23, 2023

Many people think that the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes. As a result, the middle class and poor end up paying more of the tax burden. Is it true that the wealthy don't pay their fair share of taxes? Many sensational news stories and politicians say so. But let's look at the…


How To Teach Kids About Money With Debit And Credit Cards

BY Admin | July 19, 2023

Nowadays, people use less cash because of technology. So, it's crucial to understand financial matters. So to teach kids about money with debit and credit cards can help form good money habits early on. But there are good and bad things about kids using debit and credit cards. We talk about both and how to…

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