New Law Brings Great Relief for Californians
BY Admin | March 1, 2021 After years of having homestead laws that were supposed to protect the homeowner, the state of California has finally decided to play the game with the right game piece. State homestead exemptions give protection, up to a certain dollar amount, to a debtor, to protect a home and its equity from seizure by a judgment…Rent or Sell? Tax Tips for Property Owners with High Net Worth
BY Protect Wealth | July 12, 2024When it comes to owning high-value real estate, property owners with a high net worth often find themselves facing hefty capital gains taxes when it comes time to sell. However, there are several strategies that these individuals can use to minimize their tax liability and maximize their profits. In this article, we will explore tax…
Choosing the Right Tax Filing Status for Wealthy Couples: Single vs Jointly
BY Protect Wealth | July 11, 2024When it comes to tax season, choosing the right filing status can have a significant impact on a wealthy couple's tax liability. Understanding the various options available and the tax minimization strategies associated with each can help couples make informed decisions to maximize their savings. In this article, we will delve into the pros and…
Navigating Texas’s Estate and Inheritance Tax Laws
BY Protect Wealth | July 10, 2024Have you ever wondered about the legacy you'll leave for your loved ones and how it might be impacted by taxes after you're gone? For Texans, navigating the landscape of estate and inheritance tax laws is vital to ensure that their legacy is passed down in the most beneficial manner possible. Though estate planning can…
The Importance of Having a Texas-Specific Tax Advisor
BY Protect Wealth | July 9, 2024Did you know that in 2022, more than thirty percent of Americans decided that it was smart to get a little help with their money and teamed up with a financial advisor? That's a lot of people! And it's no surprise, considering how complicated it can be to figure out taxes. Now, if you're in…
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